Consorci de Promoció Turística del Penedès - Penedès Tourist Board
The Consorci de Promoció Turística del Penedès - Penedès Tourist Board is the official public-private entity in the area that has been working since 1999 for the management and strategic planning of tourism in our destination. It does so in direct coordination with the public entities of the destination, such as the County Councils, Town Halls, private entities and associations, as well as provincial and regional tourism management agencies, and also coordinated with private companies through the wine tourism cluster, the Penedès Wine Route.
The Tourist Board manages the promotion and positioning of the destination brand Penedès Turisme.
The principles that guide our entity are consensus, participation and representativeness of the entire destination, both from the public and private sectors, with the clear objective of achieving a tourism development based on creativity, tourism quality, sustainability and knowledge.
Wine tourism is the main attraction in the area, and it allows economic growth and development. Furthermore, it gives us the opportunity to position Penedès as a tourist destination with a unique identity, which enhances the values of the region, its landscape, its gastronomy and its culture.
Over the years, the activities and options for tourists have continued growing in the destination, led by the private sector, and it has allowed us today to have a catalog of unique tourist proposals that have facilitated the positioning of the destination in certain segments and markets. Now is the time to accompany municipal and inter-municipal initiatives to increase tourist services and destination attractions, both for tourists and residents. The continuous improvement of cultural and natural tourist resources, the beautification of municipalities, welcoming visitors, signage, mobility, etc. they are necessary to achieve the tourist destination we want.
The main strategic objective that we want to achieve is framed in ensuring that Penedès becomes a tourist destination of reference, and the promotion will give us the main tool to raise awareness of the destination brand, both for the local and international public. Our commitment is to sustainable, quality and professional tourism, seducing the visitor with unique, authentic, quality services and attractions.
El Consorci per la Promoció turística del Penedès, amb col•laboració amb la Diputació de Barcelona, ha endegat la redacció d’un Pla Estratègic de Destinació per definir una estratègia turística a mig-llarg termini que realitzi un diagnòstic de la competitivitat actual, defineixi una visió de futur i uns objectius a assolir com a destinació i com a ens gestor.
Troba tota la informació i participa a través d'aquest enllaç
Penedès Tourist Board, in accordance with the provisions of article 113 of Law 26/2010, of August 3, is a public law entity, has an associative nature, voluntary nature, its own legal personality and capacity to create, manage services, carry out activities and tasks for the performance of its purposes, of indefinite duration.
Members of Penedès Tourist Board are those public entities and private entities who have purposely expressed their will to join the Consorci and commit to a contribution to the tourism development of the destination.
The members of PenedèsTourist Board are:
Consell Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès | Consell Comarcal del Baix Penedès |
Consell Comarcal del Garraf | Ajuntament de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia |
Ajuntament de Vilafranca del Penedès | Ajuntament de Subirats |
Ajuntament de Castellet i la Gornal | Ajuntament d'Avinyonet del Penedès |
Ajuntament de Font-rubí | Ajuntament de Les Cabanyes |
Ajuntament de Sant Llorenç d'Hortons | Ajuntament d'Olèrdola |
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Foix | Ajuntament de Sant Pere de Riudebitlles |
Ajuntament de Calafell | Ajuntament de Sant Martí Sarroca |
Ajuntament de La Bisbal del Penedès | Ajuntament de Gelida |
Ajuntament de Castellví de la Marca | Ajuntament de Santa Margarida i els Monjos |
Ajuntament de Sant Quintí de Mediona | Ajuntament de Mediona |
Ajuntament de Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues | Ajuntament d'El Pla del Penedès |
Ajuntament de Cunit | Ajuntament de Pontons |
D.O. Penedès |
Ajuntament de Torrelavit | Ajuntament de Santa Fe del Penedès |
Ajuntament de Sant Jaume dels Domenys | Ajuntament de Pacs del Penedès |
Ajuntament de La Granada | Ajuntament de La Llacuna |
Ajuntament de Bellvei | Ajuntament d'Olesa de Bonesvalls |
Ajuntament de Puigdàlber | Ajuntament de Vilobí del Penedès |
IGP Gall del Penedès | AECAVA | Pinnae |
As a public entity that manages tourism in the destination, Penedès Tourist Board is part of the province, region and state Tourist Boards, to improve positioning and coordinate tourism strategies.
The tourist brand of the destination is PENEDÈS TURISME, thus integrated into the tourist brands of Catalonia, Barcelona is much more, Costa Barcelona and Costa Daurada.
Diputació de Barcelona, through the contracte-programa (subsidy program) established annually, allows the financing of many of the actions developed by Penedès Tourist Board, therefore establishing a primary coordination in management and promotion strategies.
Currently, Penedès Tourist Board actively participates as a member in:
- Enoturisme Catalunya, as a wine tourism destination (Agència Catalana de Turisme - Catalunya Tourist Board)
- Cicloturisme Catalunya, as a biking destination (Agència Catalana de Turisme - Catalunya Tourist Board)
- Cercle de turisme de Diputació de Barcelona
- Barcelona Convention Bureau, as a MICE destination in the Barcelona city are and province area of influence
- Rutas del Vino de España - Wine Routes of Spain, as a certified Wine Route of Spain

Penedès Tourist Board prepares an annual action plan which takes into account the public-private interests of the destination. The annual action plan is aimed at different work areas:
- Management and strategic planning of the destination
- Destination projects and tourism infrastructure
- Excellence and competitiveness
- Promotion and marketing
- Commercialization
- Communication
The active and most relevant clusters and programs managed by Penedès Tourist Board today are:
Wine tourism cluster: PENEDÈS WINE ROUTE |
Bike tourism cluster: PENEDÈS 360. |
Program for a sustainable tourism development: BIOSPHERE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE |
Tourist welcome program: PIT - PUNTS D'INFORMACIÓ TURÍSTICA |
Data and knowledge:TOURIST DATA COLLECTION. On-demand surveys, visitor data collection in wineries and museums, TDS for accommodation services. |
RV-Motorhome program: RV PENEDÈS Sites & Vineyards |
Creation of viewpoints program: MIRAVINYA PENEDÈS |
Walking and biking paths program: NETWORK OF PATHS AND ROUTES IN PENEDÈS |
Support to municipalities in tourism management: SHARED TOURISM SPECIALIST |