Vinateria Inzolia

Bar de Vins, Botiga, Enoteca
Ruta del Vi del Penedès
Vinateria Inzolia

Inzolia és una Vinateria situada al Penedès, que compta amb dos establiments, la pròpia Vinateria Inzolia (polígon de Sant Pere Molanta) i el Celler de Can Solà (Vilanova i la Geltrú), a més d’una botiga online. En conjunt oferim una àmplia gamma de vins i escumosos per  tota mena de paladars, així com la distribució al sector de la restauració.

Ambdues botigues obren les seves portes i els seus coneixements a tothom que tingui la curiositat i vulgui gaudir de la cultura del vi sense complexes.

Si us decidiu a visitar l’INZOLIA hi trobareu més de 1500 referències per escollir, i un espai de terrassa, per compartir la bona companyia de vins, caves i aperitius.

93 676 68 30

Avda. de Barcelona, 11. Polígon Sant Pere Molanta
08799 Barcelona


+ info

Dies d'obertura
Monday afternoon
Tuesday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Wednesday morning
Wednesday afternoon
Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon

Dilluns de 17.00h a 22.00h

De dimarts a dissabte de 10.00h a 14.00h i de 17.00h a 22.00h

Diumenge tancat


Main attractions

The permanent exhibition at the VINSEUM is dedicated to the vineyard and wine, and the close connection these have with the Penedès region and Catalonia. Your journey starts on the third floor of the Royal Palace and ends with a cava or wine tasting in the tavern of the museum.
The Castle of the Holy Cross is a fortified area from the medieval period, first documented in 1037
The Museum is located in the original installations of the steam locomotive depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú, some railway constructions done between the
Sant Martí Sarroca’s medieval church and castle are regarded as an historic and artistic site of national interest.

Where to go


If you need it

Before you come, you must know…

What to do in Penedès


Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues
Once a month
Pau Casals Museum
28th April
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles
27th April
Vilafranca del Penedès
March 3 and 10, April 7 and 14, May 5 and 12

Now it is the season of…

Activities for everyone