How to get around in Penedès

How to get around Pendès Wine Region

Penedès Wine Region goes from the coastline to higher grounds and it has small cities such as Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova i la Geltrú or El Vendrell, which are well connected by train and bus from Barcelona and Tarragona.

Once in the Penedès area, the smaller towns are well connected by road and with some intercity buses, which you can find on the official website of each municipality or ask to the tourism offices.

If you use an electric car, we have good news! More and more companies on the Wine Route are offering an electric recharging point. Some towns also provide spots to park and charge your car.

    Get around the Penedès Wine Route

    If you want to get to the smaller towns or tour the Penedès Wine Route, ypu have to take into accunt that many of the wineries, farmhouses, rural tourism and some restaurants are located among vineyards, where the use of private transport is usually necessary.

    However, it is also possible to get there by bike or on foot through the Penedès walking paths network, or by using the bike lanes, which are increasingly present among towns.

    If you feel like cycling, there is a bicycle rental hub at Lavern-Subirats train station where you can start a guided or self-guided route to go to one or several wineries, visit a town or simply enjoy the landscape and the wine area. You can also contact one of the bicycle rental companies on the Penedès Wine Route and see their options. A healthy way for you and everyone, in the short and long term!

    Taxi stops in the main cities

    Thereby you can find the main taxi stops in the area: 

    El Vendrell

    • Outside train station in El Vendrell
    • Outside train station in Sant Vicenç de Calders 

    Vilafranca del Penedès 

    • Outside train station in Vilafranca del Penedès · Tel: 687 88 05 55

    Vilanova i la Geltrú:

    • Càmping Vilanova Park : BV-2115, s/n
    • Train station: plaça d'Eduard Maristany, s/n
    • Hospital: ronda Ibèrica, 123
    • Hospital - Plataforma Multiservei : carrer de Sant Josep, 16-22
    • Jutjats : carrer de l'Abat Escarré, 2
    • Passeig del Carme : rambla de Joan Baptista Pirelli, 98
    • Port : dic de Ponent, s/n 
    • Tel: 93 893 32 41
    Links of interest


    Main attractions

    The Museum is located in the original installations of the steam locomotive depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú, some railway constructions done between the
    Sant Martí Sarroca’s medieval church and castle are regarded as an historic and artistic site of national interest.
    The permanent exhibition at the VINSEUM is dedicated to the vineyard and wine, and the close connection these have with the Penedès region and Catalonia. Your journey starts on the third floor of the Royal Palace and ends with a cava or wine tasting in the tavern of the museum.
    Interactive space with audiovisual resources where we explain the town's history, Fil.loxera and Cava.

    Where to go


    If you need it

    Before you come, you must know…

    What to do in Penedès


    Vilafranca del Penedès
    29th August- 2nd September
    Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues
    Once a month
    Pau Casals Museum
    30 July, 1 August
    Pau Casals Museum
    16 August

    Now it is the season of…

    Activities for everyone