Lidia's Rural House
15-16 i 17 de juliol

La retirada tindrà lloc en una masia tradicional catalana, la seva ubicació al cor del Penedès la converteix en un
racó molt especial. Les vistes infinites a les vinyes, els amplis i rústics espais de la casa, la decoració i el seu entorn
natural fan que puguem gaudir de la desconnexió i la pau necessàries per dedicar-nos aquests dies.
Les activitats es faran a l'aire lliure i al saló, sentint l'energia fins a la nit baixa, un mantell d'estrelles.
Durant el temps lliure et podràs relaxar a la piscina d'aigua salada, a més tindrem el plaer d'estrenar-la.
Un lloc màgic per potenciar i abstreure els teus sentits, anar cap a dins i recarregar-te del tot.

3 dies
dede 330 Euros per persona
Yoga, Astrology and
Holistic Nutrition
In a society that distances us from nature, we want to bring you a
weekend to an idyllic setting, giving you the opportunity to stop the
time and go back to the origins.
A retreat created for those who want to enter the
knowledge of his own being, through yoga, astrology and
holistic nutrition.
Three days in an environment of trust where you can listen to yourself and
connect with you through inspiring experiences: different
practices and styles of yoga, meditation, live music, astrology and
workshops on ancestral life habits, among others.
A global and at the same time profound tour that allows you to reconnect with
your psychic, emotional, spiritual and corporal body. all under one sky
astrological, like this year's that continually urges you to leave
go and rise like the Phoenix.
A space both for listening and for enjoyment. I dared to give
one step further, to value and connect with you, nature and the
pleasure of living
meet and learn
Astrology is a tool that allows us to see the deeper layers
depths of a person's psyche, with which we can identify
his beliefs, how he moves through it in the world and therefore his
tendencies and ways of manifesting (ways of moving, of acting, in their
life). When the person understands and integrates all this, he raises consciousness
about herself and can decide to change what does not lead her to have the
desired results or that makes it move by a low vibration.
The three most important signs of the birth chart.
And what is the astrological chart?
A graph in which we see how the planets were positioned in
the exact moment (time and place) in which the person was born. when interpreting
these planets in their different signs and houses the person can see himself
herself in a very complete way, understanding who she was, who
is and who could be. For this reason, it returns to the origins of being, taking you
different tools for your life, one of them being the integration and
interpretation of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant, which relate you to
your essence, your emotional needs and how you show yourself to the world.
Holistic Nutrition
Nutrition is a key piece in this retreat. We believe that nutrition is not what you put
on the plate, but also what you put into your life. So throughout these days
We will delve into the therapeutic power of ancestral life habits that are
capable of hacking your body.
We will experience the magic of taking care of yourself from pleasure, with a light, fresh proposal
and aligned to the most vital season of the year. And where we will incorporate soft fasts that
you will be able to hold comfortably and that they will help you feel deflated and
mobilize toxins. You will learn small depurative tips to integrate into your life and that
in an organic way they connect you with your most instinctive and animal part.
Throughout the retreat and in each of your meals we will reveal and solve some of
the most common errors that exist when it comes to feeding ourselves:
The correct balance of nutrients in our life can change everything!
What does the activity include
Friday, July 15

17.30 Arrival and accommodation
18.30 Presentation circle and welcome cocktail
19.00 Yoga Vinyasa
21.00 Dinner
22.00 Ancient habits
22.15 Astrology

Saturday, July 16
8.00 Detox infusion
8.30 Meditation and Yoga Vinyasa
10.00 Breakfast
11.30 Japa Mala Workshop
12.30 Astrology
13.30 Food workshop
15.00 Relax pool
18.00 Yoga Vinyasa
20.00 Sunset ride
21.30 Dinner
22.30 Kirtan

Sunday, July 17
8.30 Detox Infusion
9.00 Yoga and meditation
10.30 Breakfast and free time
11.30 writing workshop
13.00 Yoga Nidra
14.00 Lunch
16.30 Closing Circle
Additional information
I am passionate about health and nutrition, from a holistic point of view. I enjoy taking care of myself and I feel that my life mission is very geared towards providing resources so that you can too.
I am going to sow in you, the magic of taking care of you as an act of love and connection.
In this retreat I will cook hand in hand with Marcos, my unconditional life partner, a rising Leo Virgo. The show is guaranteed.

I feel yoga as my lifestyle, that's why I have trained in Vinyasa and Hatha Biomechanics to be able to share it with others.
Yoga changed the way I see the world, how I relate to it and the rest of the people,
transmitting peace, acceptance and lots of light.
Stopping and listening to your body is a gift for the soul. During these days I will accompany you on an internal journey bringing awareness to the body, recognizing and accepting your emotions.

Lover of dance and conscious body movement, in love with the healing power of Yoga and Astrology.
Trained in Vinyasa Yoga, Asthanga Yoga, postural correction and alignment, dance, body movement
conscious and astrology.
In this Retreat I offer to accompany you through
different tools that I hope will hold and embrace you throughout your life. It will be a journey that I hope will not remain indifferent over time, a journey that will take us into the roots of your true essence.
Special prices
Pots triar dormir a les habitacions següents:
Habitació doble amb bany privat | 385€
Habitació 3 llits amb bany privat | 375€
Habitació 4 llits amb bany privat | 375€
Habitació 3 llits amb bany exterior | 365 €
Golfes 5 llits amb bany privat | 330€

Com reservar?

Seran uns dies únics i especials, esperem que puguis compartir
aquesta experiència amb nosaltres. Si és així estarem encantats de
ajudar-te a resoldre qualsevol dubte i fer la reserva. Només has d'escriure'ns per WhatsApp o trucar-nos:
Àngels | 600 37 67 50
Maria | 610 34 89 89
Vanessa | 656 23 78 41
Àngels | 600 37 67 50

barri del romani

Sant Martí Sarroca

+ info

Relax and wellness


Main attractions

The Museum is located in the original installations of the steam locomotive depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú, some railway constructions done between the
Sant Martí Sarroca’s medieval church and castle are regarded as an historic and artistic site of national interest.
The permanent exhibition at the VINSEUM is dedicated to the vineyard and wine, and the close connection these have with the Penedès region and Catalonia. Your journey starts on the third floor of the Royal Palace and ends with a cava or wine tasting in the tavern of the museum.
The Castle of the Holy Cross is a fortified area from the medieval period, first documented in 1037

Where to go


If you need it

Before you come, you must know…

What to do in Penedès


Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues
Once a month
Pau Casals Museum
28th April
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles
27th April
Vilafranca del Penedès
March 3 and 10, April 7 and 14, May 5 and 12

Now it is the season of…

Activities for everyone